Have you ever thought there must be more to sex?

Well, sister, THERE IS.

If you want to feel more confident, turned-on, and sexually succulent....




Based on the 5 Pillars of Feminine Sexual Awakening:

  1. Permission

  2. Expression

  3. Embodiment

  4. Education

  5. Connection

Sexual energy is a source of power, confidence and wellness in a woman's body.


You don't need a partner to ignite it.


❤ You want to break out of limiting sexual patterns and feel more desire, orgasm, and spiritual connection to your body.

❤ You're going through a transition — such as motherhood, a break-up, or menopause, and you’re ready to redefine what sex means for you.

❤ You're frustrated with the sex you're having or NOT having.

❤ You'd love a new sisterhood of powerful women.

“You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves”



"The Path to Pleasure was a rich, informative and empowering course.  When I signed up, I really needed to be in a space to support my creativity and inspiration.  Every week felt like I was taking myself to the spa for my soul, connecting deeper with myself and sisterhood. Walking into the room the energy was so positive!  I could let go, relax and rekindle the energy that drives my passion. I'm so grateful I took this course and I can’t wait for the next one!"

- Priya D. Mohan,

Holistic Vocal Coach, Musician, Performer

"This course was a deep, wonderful dive into sacred womanhood. And Eva really knows how to make science sexy!  I was so moved by the combination of wisdom, knowledge building, love, and a sweet opening of every woman to discover so much about herself, her womanhood and her strength.  In an extremely short period of time, we all fell in love with each other."

- Judy Waters, LMFT

Spiritual Psychotherapist and Love Coach

"The Path to Pleasure not only transformed my connection to my sexuality, it gave me permission to bring that creative energy source outside of the bedroom and into my daily life. After completing the course with Eva, my ability to manifest money has increased one thousand fold. This course is not only for those looking to reignite their passion, but is also for those who desire to step into the great possibilities of their life as a whole."

- Dr. Jamee Kyson

PhD Research Scientist

"Eva's Pleasure course is a game changer. She has a gift in the way she compiles and presents essential information that every woman needs to know. Even though I thought I had a general understanding of the material before I took the course, I got so much more out of it than I ever imagined! This has been impactful on many levels, ranging from my professional coaching and psychotherapy practice, to my increased ability to receive more pleasure, to my deeper connection with my love relationships. I feel so grateful for this experience."

- Michelle Lee Weldon, LPC, E~RYTm CNSF

Licensed Professional Counselor, Yoga Teacher, Co-Creator of Neurosculpting Yoga

"Eva is a master!  I came to this course in the midst of a tragic divorce - I felt like I was dying, I was paralyzed with fear, and I didn't know who I was.  Eva brought me back to life with her deep wisdom, powerful presence, and brilliance in the realms of self-love and pleasure.  I've now reshaped my patterns with men, family, and most importantly - with myself.  I now cherish ME first, and hold myself as a high-value woman!  If you want more pleasure, passion, and confidence, this course is a must!"

- Karin Rose Ayala, RN, BSN

Professional Reiki Master

"If you want to know and accept your sexuality more deeply, take Eva's course. I thought I already "knew it all," but my knowledge was incomplete without, as Eva says, "knowing and loving your biology!" So true! I now have new, powerful strategies to gently quiet my nervous system and feel more pleasure. There is SO MUCH incredible content here to help us shine as empowered, vibrant women! Eva weaves lots of science and psychology into talks that are deeply felt, poignant, and sprinkled with personal stories. Eva is a stellar teacher!"

- Alyse Sweeney, M.A.

Author and Creator of Write to Glow

About Eva


I've always been into sex.

I was born with a fascination about how we express love.  It's my mission.

I've been a sex educator, psychotherapist, and academic for over 20 years.  But more than anything...

I consider myself a professional troublemaker.

My story goes like this....

Early in life, I met my first soulmate and we married. We had an incredible relationship, but nearly a decade into the marriage, I lost my libido.  Gone.  Vanished.  And I couldn't seem to get it back.  I spent a fortune trying to figure out what was wrong with me.  I felt broken and blamed myself.  My husband felt frustrated.  I wondered...

Why don't I enjoy intimacy like other people?

What creates desire?

Is this all there is to sex??

Eventually, we divorced.  We couldn't resuscitate our marriage with the tools we had at the time.

It was devastating, but it set me on a path to discover what intimacy really meant for me.  Even though I had all the academic knowledge, something was missing.

As I began to date again, I found myself heartbroken much of the time. To numb the pain, I settled for "junk food sex" and exhausted myself with work.

I didn't know how to let love in.

Sensing there had to be a better way, I walked into a sexual tantra class and literally I wept with joy - I knew I'd found my true path.  I discovered that all along....

The missing ingredient from my sexuality had been the sacred.

I voraciously studied ancient practices in sacred sexuality.  I awakened to the holiness of my body and learned to harness my sexual energy as a source of power.

Becoming so self-fulfilled, I cut my work time in half and traveled the world.  The more my life revolved around pleasure, the more successful I became.

I realized that, first and foremost....

We have to be our own best lovers.

What I offer you now is a marriage between the science of psychology, and the spirituality of sacred sex. 

I've been told I give good permission.

I hope we get to play, dear sister.  You deserve to feel this good.


An acclaimed sexologist, psychotherapist and academic, for over two decades Eva's been following her mission to illuminate the ménage-a-trois of soul, sex, and science. Eva's courses are a robust marriage of the profound and the playful, and as a former professor of neuroscience, she bodaciously reminds us that smart is sexy. She's trained extensively in mind-body therapies such as Somatic Experiencing, Gestalt, Imago Couples Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and Mindfulness, and has had the honor of working with some of the great teachers of our time - including David Deida, Esther Perel, Harville Hendrix, Dan Seigel, and many others.  When she's not teaching, you'll find her making mayhem on a dance floor.  EvaClay.com

Even though you're busy, I don't want you to waste any more of your precious life feeling disappointed about sex, because...


path to pleasure gallery

What Feminine Leaders are Saying...

"Eva exudes embodied confidence, and as a leader, she brings a unique and potent blend of neuroscience, Tantra, and sex education combined with her rich life experience. I have such a big YES for all that she is!"



"A heart in full bloom —exuding intelligence that is not only beautiful, but inspiring. Eva is a woman who leads by example, who loves without apology. Learn about yourself and all that is possible for you, side-by-side with Eva— and become who you know you can be."



"Eva stands for your liberated self-expression, sensual pleasures, and sexual empowerment. She bridges the intelligent and the emotional expression of the body so that you can come to know yourself in wholeness and power. She's a one-of-a-kind master guide and teacher."




  • Ten Live & Interactive Group Coaching Sessions via Video, taught by Eva and her guest teachers, to walk you through each step of the Sexual Awakening Process.

  • A Private Virtual “Deep Dive” healing session with Eva (a $350 value).

  • A Confidential Discussion Group, moderated by Eva and the Path to Pleasure staff of experts. Ask any question, anytime, and get support.

  • A Sister and Small Group "Pleasure Pod" for Accountability and Connection.


  • Finally, All the Sexual Ecstasy You've Been Missing.



1) Your Succulent New Sexual Story.

Release subconscious scripts such as guilt, shame and embarrassment and enjoy a NEW pleasure-full mindset around sex.

2) Love the Skin You’re In for More Sexual Turn-On.

When you change the way you perceive your body, your experience of being IN it changes, too. You’ll learn the tools to literally shift your lens and claim bodacious confidence.

3) Awaken the Pleasure Body.

Pelvic Health and Secret Sexual Anatomy with Pamela Samuelson, Sexological Bodyworker, Pelvic Health Specialist, Activist, and Researcher.

4) Orgasmic Ecstasy.

Learn how to unlock and “wire” various types of orgasm such as vaginal, cervical, full-body, and more.

5) Become Your Own Best Lover.

Learn explosive Self-Pleasure Techniques so orgasm is at your command. Learn secret strokes, spots, and toys to reap the rewards of pleasure. With Guest Teacher Melissa Mango, Sexological Bodyworker, Somatic Sex Educator, Clinical Hypnotherapist.

6) Confident Sexual Communication.

Learn how to artfully assert your needs, speak your truth with eloquence, and get it just how you like it.



Four monthly installments of $399

Or one payment of $1497

Schedule a consultation call to see if Path to Pleasure is right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I'm not sexually active?

Many women come to this course during a period sexual inactivity. It's a great opportunity to discover and reclaim the unexpressed parts of your mind, body and soul. No sexual activity is necessary to benefit from this course.

Q: How many Women will be in each weekend?

Each immersion is limited to 20 participants to ensure personal attention.

Q: What if I want to go directly to the Advanced Weekend?

Only former participants in Path to Pleasure may apply to skip the Introductory weekend.  It's an essential foundation.

Q: Will there be nudity or sexual acts?

No nudity or direct sex acts are planned as part of the program. You will have full choice about what you participate in. But what you do AFTER class? All bets are off ;).

Q: Is this course appropriate for survivors of sexual trauma?

Yes, absolutely. At least 1 in 3 women have experienced some form of sexual violation. If you have unresolved trauma, 1 year of treatment is advised prior to enrollment, and/or concurrent participation in trauma therapy.  Please contact us if you have further questions or concerns eva@evaclay.com

Q: What if I don't have a partner?

NO PARTNER IS NECESSARY!  Being single is a powerful time to partner with yourself and indulge in self-care. Many single women who do this course report feeling more "magnetic" and "open" to the love they're seeking. Don't be surprised if it starts raining men ;)

Path to Pleasure Grads 2016